
Teaching Principles

Being child-oriented, we believe with belief in the benefit of inner beauty creation, we adopt a thematic approach consisting of various models of teaching practices, including ‘Discovery Learning’, ‘design activity’ and so on, to let children learn through active experiences and exploration. Through the collaboration between teachers and parents, children are encouraged to acquire knowledge by independent thinking.


Learning Through Discovery

Based on Bruner,J.S.’s Discovery Learning Theory which advocates for children to acquire knowledge through active learning, children are led to learn actively in their daily life and natural environment, and through their personal experience, independent thinking and active participation. This raises children’s curiosity and exploration spirit, thereby help them become active learners.


Diversified Campus Life

Being aesthetic oriented, through campus and off-campus after-school activities, we help children to develop multiple intelligences and interests.


Life Education

We provide life education based on the love of full-time missionary teachers to cultivate the quality of children's lives to let children build up on sound character and emotional intelligence, as well as establish the right values and caring hearts to others so as to live and grow in love.


Specialist Teachers

We employ qualified professional Mandarin and foreign teachers to teach Mandarin and English to let children become biliterate and trilingual.