Applicant Particulars
Family Members Info
Contact Info
Academic Info
Other Info
  1. 感謝 閣下提交申請,申請需時1-2星期處理,我們將與 閣下聯絡。
    Thanks for submitting an application. It takes 1-2 weeks to process your application. We will contact you again.
  2. 請預備遞交以下文件或資料:
    Please submit the form with the following documents & information.
    1. 貼上郵票及寫上回郵地址 4”x9” 長信封 4 個
      Four stamped, self-addressed 4”x9” envelopes.
      (Please post enough postage stamps, make sure to avoid mistakes in delivery)
    2. 出生證明書影印本 (或有效合法居港証明)
      A photocopy of the child’s birth certificate (or valid residence proof )
    3. 報名費 HK$40,如郵寄遞交,請附劃線支票,支票抬頭 「基督教香港信義會沙田信義幼稚園」
      Application Fee HK$40. If by post, cheque payee “ELCHK Shatin Lutheran Kindergarten”
    4. 幼兒近照一張 
      One ID photo of the child